Founder, and Executive Director, Towers Staff Members

Katie List- Co-Founder and Executive Director

Katie List is the Co-Founder and serves as the Executive Director for Towers of Excellence Youth Mentoring Organization. She served in CPS and Catalyst Charter Schools in several administrative and leadership capacities for over 15 years prior to starting Towers of Excellence.

In 2015, in a collaborative effort, Katie co-founded Towers of Excellence in a mission to provide students in underserved areas with quality mentoring opportunities beginning in middle school, through college and beyond. As the Executive Director of Towers of Excellence, Katie has helped Towers triple in size since 2015 expanding its reach, offer more higher education scholarships, and impact more student achievement.

Katie has served as a consultant for the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching, TAP system, leading and facilitating training to principals and superintendents. Katie has served as a panelist at the NIET conferences, addressing issues for advancing teaching through student achievement and growth in specific areas.

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