Our Process and Success
Our Process:
- Identify, partner, and build relationships with schools in communities committed to growth and change.
- Recruit high quality educators as mentors.
- Train and prepare our mentors for the roles and responsibilities of mentoring.
- Recruit and support each student as an individual.
- Engage in daily academic, social, and emotional check-ins.
- Engage in weekly small group meetings.
- We engage in quarterly outings.
- Focus on our Be SMART core values-Be Self-Aware, Be Mindful, Be Accountable, Be Responsible and Respectful and Be Tenacious.
Our Success:
- Expanded from 6 to 50 student members.
- First two cohorts of students are currently sophomores and juniors in college.
- Towers students’ median GPA is 3.7.
- Started with one supporter and have expanded to over 40 entities and 100 individuals.
- Current mentors hold leadership roles within their schools.
- Student members are exposed to many college, career, and other exoeriential opportunities.

One Step at a Time


Members of Excellence